Author Topic: Strategy Gamers - New Year 2010 Thank you message.  (Read 6722 times)

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Offline Peacemaker

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Strategy Gamers - New Year 2010 Thank you message.
« on: January 01, 2010, 09:22:49 AM »
I wish to recognize and thank all of you good folks who have participated in the testing of this web site during 2009.  I thought it would be a good time to show my appreciation for your continued support and to provide some insight into the operations of this developing web site.

It has been a successful year and I'm confident in all of the primary game play functionality.  The feedback and bug finding has been very useful and will only lead to a better site.  Every bit of feedback weighs in on development of the site, so feel free to keep it coming no matter how trivial it may seem to you.  Note, as I have mentioned elsewhere, my primary focus remains on the site functions, not the appearance.  The Strategy Gamers browser compatibility make-over is planned after I sign off on the Hex and Terra Firma brands which I hope to do in the first quarter of the year.

2010 promises to be a big year for Strategy Gamers.  I have moved-up some things that were planned for much later, notably adding the ability to further customize game board pages and tournaments with graphics and sound so as to add to the atmosphere of particular events.  It is going to be a lot of fun.  The list of items to complete before releasing the next game is dwindling, and that is exciting because the testing involved for the next game brand, Terra Firma, should be minimal, therefore freeing me to dedicate more time to the next pair of games which do not exist anywhere on the web today.

Tournaments are in their infancy at this time.  Tournament testing differs a bit from general game testing in that it is vastly more complex, requiring a repeat of the game testing as well, but also in that design bugs tend to be show stoppers.  I plan to power through rigorous tournament testing in January so that you can begin to enjoy the variety of tournament play found at Strategy Gamers.

Strategy Gamers is a very complex site, although you may not realize it because of the few places you need to navigate to handle 99% of your gaming.  While the site does not change from day to day, the current operating procedure, behind the scenes, includes a detailed regimen of testing, testing, and more testing, designing improvements to current features, and planning the next features to add in the near future.

Progress appears slow, but this is purposeful because of the determination to build the best of breed functions from the start and apply it to current and future game brands.  Much of what is being completed now will be part of future games and therefore each successive game brand should be released in shorter time intervals.  But I will not rush the work as my intention for Strategy Gamers is to be the one-stop game site for best of breed strategy games.  No less than ten game brands are in development, but I will contain my excitement for what is to come until each game nears release.

In the mean time, I hope that you are enjoying Hex and its billions of combinations of game play, more than any other similar game on the web today.  I wish you all a happy and healthy 2010.  See you on the game board.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2010, 09:00:37 AM by Peacemaker »

Offline Sir Osis of Thuliver

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Re: Strategy Gamers - New Year 2010 Thank you message.
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 02:38:43 AM »
Yay! So far, very good Peace, and I'm definitely on board for the long haul... Let us know if there's anything we can do to help out...

Offline WarrenG

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Re: Strategy Gamers - New Year 2010 Thank you message.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2010, 12:11:55 PM »
its now 2010.5 and the site looks really good and loads of fun... set up a 7 player game featuring your new map... we have chess and terra firma whatcha call it to look forward to... may i suggest even more dotted lines with islands thanks =)
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