my favourite map used to be earth... well a modified earth... it actually had antartica, hawaii, new zealand, chile, and cuba. and sri lanka ( too small, lets not include it ) so u could attack mexico to cuba, cuba to brazil, new zealand to hawaii, japan to hawaii, hawaii to alaska, hawaii to west us and well... australia, argentina and south africa conect to even more interesting is that the bonuses were alot different and more modern. there was South america which is the same +chile, mexico was with cuba, usa was a bonus... 4 lands.. canada was a seperate region, scandinavia was greenland, iceland and norway/findland, europe was the rest of original europe, middle east was afganistan and middle east although im sure u can include india. far east was mongolia and japan and china... and russia is well/.. russia big no? australia has new zealand and siam included or now known as thailand. oh shit almost forgot africa is still africa.. now this is a kick ass map many dotted lines and complicated to make but it looks really good ( not to be done in hex ) maybe an idea that can be implemented in brand 2... just food for thought