The question is why is a player missing turns in a game in which they chose to participate? If you miss three consecutive turns, you are out of the game, automatically forfeit. This serves to handle languishing games, a huge annoyance on other sites. With a 72 hour turn option and a Force turn option, there really is no excuse for not playing a turn. Members should be conscious of their play availability and join games that work for their schedule. Incidentally, I am considering a weekend pause option which would basically extend a turn from Friday to Monday. The only reason I've found that players purposefully don't end their turn is to fool opponents into thinking they are absent. I consider that a lame tactic, not truly skill oriented, and I'm attempting to root-out that style of play. The mechanics are designed to support the active members and promote good sportsmanship.
No actions after Ending Turn is no different in practicality than not ending turn until moments before the turn expires. At some point you will have decided your actions. But Ending Turn forces players to actively participate, as stated above, rather than be the source of disruption and delay for games. Rarely was there a game I played at other sites where at least one player went missing without explanation and, inevitably, remaining players grumbled and debated forcing the turn. I programmed in the options to remove as much unwanted game rigamarole as possible (longer turn lengths, options to force or auto). I believe the combination of features and functions makes for a more active community.
I can add 1 minute turn lengths. I left it out because it seemed to me that, in my experience, if you are playing rapid fire then turn lengths are irrelevant as you will likely end your turn earlier. Thus the real turn clock is when the last player clicks end turn. But I can add it to test if my much more involved site can handle the speed.
I'm open to discussing any of the features and mechanics at length. We can even schedule a chat in sgamers own chat room for everyone (but note I do not type quickly). I do believe that the immense amount of time I have put into designing this site takes into account a wealth of interests from around the gaming community, focused primarily on creating a strategy game site where players want to be and are active, and the structure diminishes all the negative aspects that are rampant around the numerous other, so-called strategy gaming game sites. I have not found another site, nor heard of one, that in any way approaches the features that Strategy Gamers offers, most importantly, including those functions that keep the undesirables from detracting from the enjoyment of everyone else (by causing delays, manipulating scores and ranks, spamming and hassling other players in others' game chat, etc).